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Q: What adds acidic juices to the bolus and mixes it?
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Define the term chyme?

Chyme is a semi-fluid mass of partially digested food and digestive juices that is formed in the stomach during digestion. It is later passed into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What organ adds saliva and mixes up food?

salavary glands

What churns food and adds gastric juices and acids?

stomach walls

How the stomach works in the digestive system?

The stomach mechanically/chemically breaks down food. It adds acid and mixes it into the food.

How does limestone help farmers?

It adds calcium to the soil and helps raise the pH for more acidic soils.

How does food get to your stomatch?

Before food can be used by the body, it has to go through parts of the digestive system. Once food enters your mouth, saliva helps it turn into bolus. The bolus moves to the pharynx and down the esophagus. Now it has reached the stomach. The stomach then adds mucus and digestive acids to the food, and then squeezes and mixes it for 4-6 hours. Then, the food goes through the small intestine. If it still isn't digested, it moves on to the large intestine, which takes it through the cecum and rectum.

What in milk products neutralizes acids?

Actually, milk is slightly acidic (e.g. lactic acid), in fact milk adds to acidity slightly.

Are sun dried tomatoes acidic?

Yes, sun-dried tomatoes are acidic because they contain citric acid as a natural preservative. The acid helps inhibit the growth of bacteria and adds a tangy flavor to the tomatoes.

What is the acid in acid rain?

These are usually accumulated acidic chemicals from industries that are transformed to vapor. When it rains, these chemicals adds with the raindrops. Depending on concentration of the chemicals, the rain becomes acidic. Sometime to the point of actually dissolving materials including human skins.

Does the gastric juice soften and lubricate the food?

Gastric juices begins to break foods apart, which, by definition, softens the food into a mash-like substance. It adds lubrication to what the mouth/saliva provided.

Why does your stomach growls when your hungry?

Because your stomach constantly churns as it adds digestive juices to food. When empty, the air transmits sound waves more easily than when the stomach is full of food.

What does dish detergant do to water?

The dish washing detergent simply mixes with the water. The contents of the detergent are what lift the grease off the dishes. It changes the pH and adds acids to breakdown protreins found in grease