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The US House of Representatives filed Articles of Impeachment against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase in 1804. They accused him of pronouncing an overly harsh sentence against a member of the Republican party for political reasons (Chase was a member of the Federalist Party), and believed he allowed politics to color his judgment. Justice Chase was acquitted of all charges at his Senate trial in 1805.

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Q: What action did the US House of Representatives vote against Samuel Chase?
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The action voted by the house of representatives against supreme court justice samuel chase?

Impeachment was the action voted by the House of Representatives against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase. However, the Senate didn't uphold the impeachment.

What action was voted by the House of Representatives against US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase?

The House of Representatives brought articles of impeachment against Federalist Justice Chase in 1804, but he was acquitted in his Senate trial.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Did George Washington appoint Samuel Chase to the US Supreme Court?

Yes. President Washington appointed Samuel Chase to the US Supreme Court in 1796. He was impeached by the House of Representatives in 1804, but acquitted at his Senate trial in 1805. Chase continued serving on the Court until his death in 1811.

When was Samuel Chase born?

Samuel Chase was born on April 17, 1741.

What is Samuel Chase's birthday?

Samuel Chase was born on April 17, 1741.

What has the author Samuel Chase written?

Samuel Chase has written: 'In parts superior what advantage lies: Tell - for you can - what is it to be wise? ..' -- subject- s -: Land value taxation, Politics and government, Taxation 'Trial of Samuel Chase' -- subject- s -: Impeachments 'The answer and pleas of Samuel Chase, one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to the articles of impeachment, exhibited against him in the Senate, by the House of Representatives of the United States, in support of their impeachment against him, for high cri' -- subject- s -: Impeachment, Trials - Impeachment -, Trials, litigation 'Trial of Samuel Chase, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, impeached by the House of representatives, for high crimes and misdemeanors, before the Senate of the United States' -- subject- s -: Trials - Impeachment -, Trials, litigation 'To the Honourable the General Assembly of Maryland, the memorial of Samuel Chase, agent of the state, for the recovery of the bank stock' -- subject- s -: Bank stocks, Public Finance 'To the publick. July 18th. 1766' -- subject- s -: Politics and government 'The answer and pleas of Samuel Chase, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States' -- subject- s -: Impeachment, Trials - Impeachment -, Trials, litigation 'To the voters of Anne-Arundel County' -- subject- s -: Capital and capitol, Politics and government

What US President appointed Samuel Chase to the Supreme Court?

President George Washington appointed Samuel Chase to the US Supreme Court in 1796. Justice Chase has the distinction of being the only Supreme Court justice impeached by the House of Representatives (1804). He was acquitted at his Senate trial in 1805, and remained on the Court until his death in 1811.

Who is Samuel Chase of the US Supreme Court?

Justice Samuel Chase served on the US Supreme Court from 1796 until his death in 1811. Chase is the only Supreme Court justice to have been impeached by the House of Representatives (1804). He was acquitted at his Senate trial in 1805 and remained on the Court another six years. For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Was Samuel Chase found innocent or guilty?

Assuming you're asking about Chase's impeachment trial in the Senate, he was found not guilty (no one is ever found innocent) of the charges against him in 1805.

Were Samuel Chase and Salmon P. Chase of the US Supreme Court related?

No, Justice Samuel Chase, who served on the US Supreme Court from 1796 - 1811, and Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, who presided over the Court from 1864 - 1873, were unrelated. Chief Justice Chase's paternal grandfather was named Samuel, but he died in 1800 at the age of 93. Samuel Chase, the justice, died in 1811.

What colony did Samuel Chase represent?

Samuel Chase was from Maryland and represented that colony in the Continental Congress. He was born in 1741 and died in 1811.

Which colony did Samuel Chase represent?
