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Q: What act requires the colonies to provide housing and supplies?
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Who demanded colonies provide housing and goods for all british soldiers in America?

The quartering act

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Which law required colonist to provide food and shelter for british soilders?

The Quartering Act of 1765 forced the colonies to provide housing and supplies to British soldiers after the French and Indian War. This was a method of regaining control of the colonies for the British.

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To provide vital supplies, like food, clothing, weapons, and troops.

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What were the quartring acts?

Assuming you mean Quartering Acts, they are legislation that ordered the local governments of the American colonies to provide housing and provisions for British soldiers.

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Yes, the colonists had to provide food, housing, and other supplies to the British troops.

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There are some janitorial services that provide their own cleaning supplies and then there are some that do not provide the cleaning supplies. It just depends on how big the company is really.

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