202 is the area code for Washington DC.
The country code and area code of Wuppertal, Germany is 49, (0)202.
This is impossible to answer. As 202 is an area code, one cannot calculate how many people live there by an area code specifically. There could be 3 people who live in a household.
Georgetown University is located in Washington, D.C., in area code 202 and ZIP Code 20057.
ACE Cash Express has several locations in Washington, D.C., which is telephone area code 202.
President Obama lives in the White House in Washington, D.C., which is in area code 202.
Washington, D.C.
Country code +1 is North America (USA, Canada, etc.), and +1 202 is the area code for Washington, D.C., USA.
Area code 973 is in northern New Jersey. The 973-627 prefix is in Rockaway.
You didn't need a code, you can find him on Route 201 & 202 with FireRed inserted.