Hitmontop is a Fighting Type pokemon which are weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying type moves.
Machamp is a Fighting type pokemon which are weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying type moves.
Fairy-type Pokemon are weak against Steel and Poison-type attacks.
Fighting type and bug type are strong against dark type Pokémon.
Hitmontop is a Fighting Type pokemon which are weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying type moves.
Machamp is a Fighting type pokemon which are weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying type moves.
Fairy-type Pokemon are weak against Steel and Poison-type attacks.
Fairy-type Pokemon are weak against Poison and Steel-type attacks. Do not use Dragon-type attacks, for it is immune to Dragon.
Fighting type and bug type are strong against dark type Pokémon.
Fighting type pokemon.
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
Bug-type Pokemon are strong against Grass, Fighting, and Ground-type moves.
Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice type moves are strong against a Grass type Pokemon.
Ice and Dragon type itself is strong against Dragon.
Grass type Pokemon are strong against Water, Ground and Rock.