Crumple zones, air bags, shoulder and lap belts, head rests, third brake lights, ABS brakes, traction control, rear view camera,
They are safer because a person hitting the dashboard has a padding.
The two reasons that big cars are safer than small cars include that they have bigger crush zones. The second reason is that they have longer hoods.
no they have no protection on them so a car would be much safer.
slower, but safer
Because cars are safer than motorcycles. Yet although motorbikes can occaisnally be cheaper people choose the safer option (most of the time!)
Actually, they aren't that much different. We think that the earlier time was safer and that people were happier, but this is all perception. It was no safer or less safer than we are today. In some respects we have things that make it safer than the 1950's. A cell phone is one thing that makes it safer. Instead of having to look for a phone booth we carry the phone with us. Cars are safer. In the 1950's there were no seat belts and air bags in cars. Airlines are safer because of the new methods of air traffic control and computers. These are just a few things that make it safer today.
Usually they are, because there is more material in between you and whatever hits you. also adding a roll cage to the car will help your car be more safer than usually.
Well i think it is because of the development and advancement in term of science and technology have lead to cars been safer than before. now we have air bag in most car and many other things are been fitted in cars.
It is safer to ride in a plane, as there are less annual deaths per year than cars.
No, Because it is a lighter weight which makes it glide faster