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'Lumos' was the first spell he used willingly outside Hogwarts before his 3rd year!

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Q: What Is the first spell harry used outside of hogwarts?
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When did Harry Potter learn his first spell?

Harry Potter learnt his first spell on the 31st October 1991, during his first year at Hogwarts. The first years were being taught Wingardium Leviosa by Professor Flitwick in their Charms class.

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There is no mention of anything called velodromes in the Harry Potter series.If you mean Hogwarts, the first spell he learned was Wingardium Leviosa.

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What was the spell Harry Potter learned first?

The first spell Harry Potter learned during his first year at Hogwarts was Wingardium Leviosa, the levitating spell. This was taught to them by Professor Filius Flitwick in Charms class on the 31st October 1991.It was during this class that Hermione Granger tried to help Ron Weasley with his pronunciation and he became annoyed. Afterwards, Ron insulted Hermione who overheard and hid in the girls bathroom instead of attending the Hallowe'en feast. Because of this, Hermione didn't know there was a troll in the school.

What does expelliamus mean?

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