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The myth with Athena. Someone was egotistic and thought they were better at weaving then Athena herself. She heard of this and challenged her. The stakes were "If i win, you die" said the goddess. The civilian accepted and wove as best she could. Athena was a little impressed but she wove and obviously won. The girl went off and hung herfself out of shame. Feeling guilty, Athena brought her back to life but turned her into a spider, hanging from a thread (because she hung herself) that is why Spiders are on the earth.

For one example the myth of Athena and Arachne explains how the Arachne spider was created. The myth is that there was a woman who weaved beautiful things and when she claimed that she could weave better than the goddess Athena (she's the goddess of wisdom and she was the best weaver she also created the loom). Athena heard this and got very angry so she went to Aracnhne and told her she was going to kill her because of what she said. Arachne said that before she died, to be allowed to give her a present. She gave her a cloak and said that it surely is better than anything Athena had. Athena then grew pity for Arachne and said that if she thought she was such a good weaver then to challenge Athena and they would create a quilt and the town would vote which they liked best. If Arachne won then she wouldn't die but if she lost it is her life. When the day of the contest came Athena and Arachne both weaved beautiful quilts but Athena's was better. Instead of killing Arachne though she turned her into a spider so she would we able to continue weaving but instead of tapestries and quilts and such, spider webs.

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