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Q: What English monarch began the reformation?
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The protestant reformation began in?

The Protestant Reformation began on October 31, 1517.

Who was the Roman Catholic priest who began the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther began the Reformation.

Which Tudor monarch started the Reformation?

Henry VIII

When did Protestant Reformation began?


When was English Reformation Parliament created?

English Reformation Parliament was created in 1529.

Martin Luther began the?

the Protestant Reformation

When did the reformation began and end?


Who began the Reformation movement?

Martin Luther

What were the causes and major phases of the English Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation began when King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and declared himself head of the Church of England. Later, Calvinist ideas influenced the Puritans.

What is three religious groups that established their own churches at the time of the Protestant Reformation?

-Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, and others established the Lutheran Church. (Protestant Reformation) -John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and others established the Reformed churches. (Protestant Reformation) -Menno Simons, Jakob Hutter, Jakob Amman, and others helped establish the Anabaptist churches. (Radical Reformation) -Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell began the English Reformation and established the the Church of England, now known as the Anglican or Episcopal Church. Also, Elizabeth I played a key role in the success of the English Reformation as well. (English Reformation)

Were men of spiritual conviction were needed for the Reformation?

True, men of spiritual convictions were needed for the Reformation. The Reformation began on October 31, 1517.

What came first the Protestant Reformation or establishment of Jamestown?

The Reformation did, it began in 1517. Jamestown was founded in 1607.