the constitution
the purpose is for check and balance... to check the house of representatives... and the house checks them in turn... to be sure that no ONE group is making all the decisions.
They are made in the Congress of the country
Laws for the United States are made by the U.S. Congress.
The U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Congress make laws that apply to all U.S. states and then the Pennsylvania Congress or Legislature has made all of its own laws as well.
The laws made by Congress usually begin in Committees.
It is made of Congress and it makes the laws.
The judicial branch evaluates the laws made by Congress; judges are able to declare laws unconstitutional. The president, as the head of the executive branch, has the power to evaluate and possibly veto laws.
Laws are made by groups of people, for example, by a Congress.
The state legislature - for state laws. The US Congress - for Federal Laws.