"Ik" is an Afrikaans word that begins with the letter "i." It means "I" in English.
The Afrikaans word "kwotasie" begins with the letter "q." In Afrikaans, "kwotasie" translates to "quotation" in English. It is used to refer to a written or spoken statement that repeats or cites a particular piece of someone else's work.
In Afrikaans, "quad" is a word that starts with the letter "q."
Melodramatically is a 16 letter word. It begins with the letter me.
A word for patient that begins with the letter a: accommodating.
orchestrate is an active word that begins with the letter O
a 4 letter word that begins with r is rice
Cuddle is a romantic word. It begins with the letter C.
The silent letter in Afrikaans is called 'n stil letter' in Afrikaans.
Asinine is a nasty word. It begins with the letter a.