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In early civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley, the creation and codification of laws were pivotal for social order and governance. The Code of Hammurabi from Babylon (circa 1754 BC) is one of the most notable examples of a written legal text. It established clear laws and consequences, promoting justice and order within society.

These legal texts served several key functions:

Resolution of Disputes: The written laws provided a framework for resolving conflicts, thereby ensuring that justice was administered fairly and consistently. This helped to maintain social stability.

Documentation of Rights and Duties: Legal codes outlined the rights and responsibilities of individuals within the community, fostering a sense of order and predictability in interactions.

Preservation of Knowledge: The survival of these texts in written form ensured that legal principles could be passed down through generations, contributing to the continuity and evolution of legal systems.

Cultural Identity: Legal texts often reflected the values and beliefs of the civilization, thus playing a role in shaping cultural identity and societal norms.

Overall, the development of written legal codes marked a significant advancement in governance and social organization, allowing early civilizations to navigate complex issues of justice, rights, and societal structure effectively.

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