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Q: What are the main factors that effecting the changing education system?
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What are the factors that affect to education?

Factors that affect education include socioeconomic status, access to resources (such as technology and quality teachers), family support and involvement, cultural beliefs and practices, and the overall quality of the education system. These factors can impact a student's academic achievement, motivation, and overall educational experience.

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Other way around. HIV is the virus effecting immune system.

Questions about education system of Pakistan?

For years Pakistan is trying to develop its Education system. Primary education become free. Still the illeteracy rate not improving that much. Many drop outs. :Politicization of colleges and university are other factors. Strikes, corruption, and not quality teaching are other factors to hamper.

Do Italian children have poor education?

Education in Italy varies depending on different factors such as region and socioeconomic status. While there are challenges in the Italian education system, it is not accurate to generalize that all Italian children have poor education. There are high-quality schools and educational opportunities available in Italy.

Does Mexico have an education system?

Are you serious? Of course there is an education system in Mexico.

When was Australia's education system last changed?

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Which state has the worst public education system?

It is difficult to pinpoint the state with the worst public education system as there are various factors that contribute to a state's education quality. Factors such as funding, resources, teacher quality, and student demographics all play a role. Rankings can vary depending on the criteria used for assessment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the new education system?

Advantage। Of present। Education। System

What are the push and pull factors of Taiwan?

Push factors in Taiwan may include high cost of living, limited job opportunities, and political tensions with China. Pull factors may include good healthcare system, quality education, and vibrant cultural scene.

What type of education system does Panama have?

Education in Panama is compulsory from elementary to middle school.