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The hedging tools are part of the risk management strategy. It uses instruments like Forward Contracts, Futures Contracts, Options Contracts, Swap Contracts, etc.

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Q: What are the different type of hedging tools?
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What is hedging tools?

Hedging tools are those tools which helps to mitigate the risk in the market. For e.g. Future Contract, Swap, Option etc.

What are Hedging tools in forex risk management?

Analyze risk, Determine risk tolerance, Determine forex hedging etc.

What is a naive?

Naive hedging is where taking a hedge position without taking into consideration the level of hedging required. The optimal hedging position should be such that the expected position from the hedge perfectly offset the underlying risk. Naive hedging (over hedging) could potentially lead to a substantial gain or loss position from hedging.

What is a naive hedge?

Naive hedging is where taking a hedge position without taking into consideration the level of hedging required. The optimal hedging position should be such that the expected position from the hedge perfectly offset the underlying risk. Naive hedging (over hedging) could potentially lead to a substantial gain or loss position from hedging.

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The cast of Hedging - 1942 includes: Roy Hay as Himself - Commentator