To catch Dusclops on Pokemon Diamond you need the Poke Radar item first. Once you have the Poke Radar go to Route 224 and use the Poke Radar there and Dusclops should eventually appear in the grass.
you cant catch it in gold if its a boy you can catch it in blue if its a girl you can catch it in purple
you cheat
You cant.
You can't catch dusknoir to get one trade dusclops.
you have to get it @ the beginning of the gave
you just catch it
ucant catch misdreavus in diamond
No, But you can catch one in Firered and then Migrate it to Diamond
yes, you can catch Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
You cannot catch Celebi in Pokemon Diamond.
neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond
You cannot catch palkia in diamond and dialga in pearl but you can catch both of them in Pokemon platinum
actually you cant catch charazar on diamond,, you have to migrate it! ^_^
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
Sorry to say, but no, you cannot catch a Palkia on Diamond version. You catch a Dialga on diamond, and Palkia on pearl. You would have to trade to get one.
To catch palkia you will need to trade him with Pokemon pearl. NOTE: You catch palkia in pearl and dialga in diamond.
you buy an gameshark then you catch him in emaerald or ruby or sapphire then you transfer him to diamond