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Q: Was russia with the central powers or the allies?
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Was Russia part of the allies or central?

Russia was part of the allied powers until it pulled out of the war.

Did central powers have Italy in there?

In the beginning of the war, Italy was on the Central Powers, but later sided with the Allies.

Countries of World War I?

there are actually Quite a lot of countries involved in ww1 Great britain (Allies America (Allies, joined in april, 1917) Germany (Central powers) France (Allies) Russia (Allies, left in February 1917 due to Russian Revolution) Turkey (Central powers) Italy (Allies) Romania (Allies) Serbia (Allies Greece (Allies) Austria-Hungary (Central powers) Bosnia (Central powers) Bulgaria (Central powers) British Empire (Allies) Belgium (Allies) Portugal (Allies) hope this helps you :-)

What is the allies and the central power?

In WW I, the Central Powers were an alliance of Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Italy; the Allies were England, France, and Russia. (The US later joined the Allies and Russia dropped out in 1917, as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution.)

List the countries that were allies and the central powers?

In world war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. The allies where The British empire, France, Russia and later the United states.

Who were allies and axis of world war 1and world war2?

In world war 1 the central powers (which you called the axis powers) were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. The allies where The British empire, France, Russia and later the United states. Later, though, Italy switched from the Central Powers do the Ally Powers.

Who were the allies and who were the central powers?

The Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The Allied Powers were Britain (with its empire), France, Russia, Italy, the US and Japan.

Who was a part of the central powers then the allies of the US in World War 1?

Austria,Russia,Germany,Turkey and the allies France,Britain

Which was involved in Allied Powers and the Central Powers?

During World War 1, the Allies were Great Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. The Central Powers were the countries of Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.

What were the countries in the alllies and the central powers?

the allies where made up of Britain, France, Russia and later the united states and the Central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire.

What countries were allies and which were the central powers?

In world war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. The allies where The British empire, France, Russia and later the United states, Italy and 21 other nations

Who was the war between in World War 1?

The Allies (France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, England and later the US were some major countries) and the Central Powers (Germany, The Ottoman Empire and Austria -Hungary) :)