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No Hitler was not Blond. Hitler wanted to inshore the survival of the blond type Blond is a nordern gene and one of the first to disappear if people start reproducing with non northern partners. It is estimated that by the year 2100 redheads will no longer exist because it is a non dominant gene and needs to be carried by both parents global crossbreading will spell the extinction of the redhead the same faith will be suffered by later on by Blonds Blue eyes and White Skin they will al eventualy disapear from existace.

Think of it like that if you where a quatropletic and you would take steps to enshure thet future children will have full function of theyr arms and legs and people would look at you and say that is a bit rich coming from a quatropletic.

Well Hitler Does not need to be blond in order to care for its survival.

other asnwer of someone else- wow, shouldn't you know that unless your in a place like Africa wheres theres almost no school?

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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It was light brown.

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What is adolf hitlers hair color?

Dark brown

What coler was hitlers eyes and hair?

brown hair brown eyes

What was hitlers real eye-color I really want to know?


What was Adolf Hitler's theory on race?

you have to have blond hair and blue eyes to be hitlers race

What color was chester a Arthur's hair color?

His hair was brown.