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Q: WHAT is the function of the belly foot of a snail?
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What animal has a soft body has a muscular foot running along its belly and has a spiral shell with splotches on it?

snail but its ody its slimey a tortoise

What has a foot but no legs?

The answer to the riddle is the snail. A snail has a foot but no legs.

What has foot but no leg?

The answer to the riddle is the snail. A snail has a foot but no legs.

What is the White Foot Sea Snail?

A snail

Why is mucus secreted by a snail foot?

they have no foot

What are the externalparts of a snail?

The external parts of a snail are shell and muscular foot. The shell is the outer skeleton of a snail. Snail moves from one place to another with the help of muscular foot.

What part of the ocean does a snail live in?

sharks belly

What is the muscular pond snail's foot called?

the foot

Where is a snail's head located?

A snail's head is located at the end of its foot.

Why does a snail have 1 foot?

type your answer here or you turn into snail and you can see why

If you have a foot but cannot walk. Who am I?

A snail

Which animals favourite game is belly whooping?
