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sexual reproduction

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10mo ago

The reproductive process you're referring to is sexual reproduction, where two sex cells (or gametes), typically a sperm and an egg, join together to form a new individual with a unique combination of genetic material from both parents. This is in contrast to asexual reproduction, where new individuals are produced without the need for fertilization or the involvement of sex cells.

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Q: Two sex cells join to produce a new individual in what reproduction?
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Name two types of reproduction?

Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction are two types of reproduction seen in living organisms. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two gametes from different individuals to produce offspring with genetic variation. Asexual reproduction involves producing offspring from a single parent, resulting in genetically identical offspring.

What type of reproduction where two reproductive cells join to form one sell that grow into a new organism?

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two reproductive cells - typically an egg and a sperm - to form a single cell that then develops into a new organism. This process introduces genetic variation in the offspring due to the combination of genetic material from two parent organisms.

What are differences between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis results in two genetically identical daughter cells, while meiosis produces four genetically diverse daughter cells. Mitosis occurs in somatic cells for growth and repair, while meiosis occurs in germ cells to produce gametes for sexual reproduction. Mitosis is a single division process, while meiosis involves two divisions.

What type of cell is sperm?

Sperm cells are gametes, which are specialized sex cells involved in sexual reproduction. They are produced in the male reproductive system through the process of spermatogenesis. Each sperm cell contains genetic information that can fertilize a female egg cell to produce offspring.

When an egg and a sperm join they create a single cell called?

When an egg and sperm join, they create a single cell called a zygote.

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Two sex cells join to produce a new individual what reproduction?

sexual reproduction

What two cells come from parent cells?

Two parent cells that join together to form a new individual is what is referred to as reproduction. This is achieved by fusion of the male and female gametes.

What two cells join in sexual reproduction?

In sexual reproduction, a sperm cell from a male individual joins with an egg cell from a female individual to form a zygote. The zygote then develops into a new organism.

How can you use gamete in a sentence?

The male and female gametophytes join to form a zygote.

When two parents cells join together to form offspring it is called?

Sexual reproduction

What process do male and female reproductive cells join during sexual reproduction?


When two parents cells join together to form offspring its called?

Sexual reproduction

Why is it important for egg and sperm cells join in fertilization?

Otherwise , there would not be fertilisation! This is essential for reproduction.

Why it is important for egg and sperm cells to join in fertilization?

Otherwise , there would not be fertilisation! This is essential for reproduction.

What is the process in which two incomplete cells join together to form a single cell that develops into an offspring?

sexual reproduction

What forms when two gametes join?

When two gametes (sex cells) join, they form a zygote, which is the initial cell that forms during sexual reproduction. The zygote contains a combination of genetic material from both parents and eventually develops into a new individual.

In sexual reproduction how many cells join to make a new organism?

In sexual reproduction, two specialized sex cells called gametes (sperm and egg) join together to form a new organism. This process is called fertilization and results in the formation of a zygote, which contains the combined genetic material of both parents.