You need a repair licence to open a repair shop. You don't need a licence to be a mechanic but, it would be to your benefit to be a certified mechanic.
i am 10 year mechanic bt i no have a how could i get a lience
yes cause yea
you don't need a license, the garage you work for carries the license.
Where I live the shop is required to have a repair license to operate, the mechanics do not.
yes,i need,i want to eran a certification or license.
To the best of my knowledge "NO" they can not
Not only public roadways.
An elevator mechanic works in a specialized field. People's lives depend on them. The path to becoming an elevator mechanic involves earning a certificate or associate's degree in electrical or mechanical engineering. An apprenticeship is then required. In some states and exam or license is required.
Yes, but you won't be able to operate a motor vehicle on public property.
You would use an A&P license for jobs that are in the avionics technician or aircraft mechanic fields. Your license is good for life unless you have to surrender it for some reason. So you don't have to worry about renewing it if you don't use the license right away, or even if you never use it.
Right now, not very good. When the economy improves, the jobs will come back. If you do not have an FAA mechanic's license, now would be a good time to begin studying for the exams.
Complete 3 year apprentice.... You have to have a certain amount of hours completed... You also need to have completed 125 tasks mechanic related.. That is for Ontario... And you will be in school during the three years for theory...