I think Philippines is GMT +8 hours?
Norway is GMT +1 hour (winter) or GTM +2 hours (summer, daylight savings time).
That would mean 6-7 hours time difference; 9:00 in Norway is 15:00 or 16:00 in Philippines.
See related link.
The time difference between Florida and Oslo, Norway, is six hours. Oslo is six hours ahead of Florida. Oslo is in the Central European time zone, and Florida is in the eastern time zone.
If it is 1:00 AM in Oslo, Norway, it is 11:00 PM in Dakar, Senegal. There is a 2 hour time difference.
The flight time from Oslo, Norway to London Heathrow Airport is about 1 hour, 27 minutes.
Norway is in the GMT +1 time zone.
Zero. Anyone can leave at any time -for free.
When it is 1:00 p.m. in Oslo, Norway, it is 6:00 p.m. in Georgia. Oslo is six hours ahead of Georgia. Oslo is in the Central European time zone whereas Georgia is in the eastern time zone of the United States.
Oslo, a place in Norway is 6 hours ahead of New York in USA ,it means that when the time is 3 pm in New York then it would be 9 pm in Oslo of the same day
There are 9 hours between LA and Oslo. LA is GMT -8, and Oslo is GMT +1.
A typical flight between Frankfurt, Germany and Oslo, Norway would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 22 minutes.
Roald Dahl was born, raised and died in the UK, but when he was in Norway, he spent time in southern Norway, particularly in Oslo and Sarpsborg where he's mother and father where from.
Here is a list of the 3 Scandinavian capitals:Sweden = Stockholm Population: 2 millionNorway = Oslo Population: 1.3 millionDenmark = Copenhagen Population: 1.7 millionThere are four capitals in Scandinavia: Oslo in Norway, Stockholm in Sweden, Copenhagen in Denmark, and Reykjavik in Iceland.
What is the time difference between philippines and holland?