Mainland Spain is 9 hours behind most of Australia's cities. For example, if it is 12 midnight in Sydney, Australia, it is 3 in the afternoon in Madrid, Spain.
Johannesburg, South Africa is 1 hour ahead of Athens, Greece.
The time difference between Australia and Denmark varies depending on the locations within each country. On average, there is a 8-10 hour time difference, with Australia being ahead of Denmark. Time zones and daylight saving time changes can also impact the difference in hours.
The time difference between Liverpool, UK and Perth, Australia is 8 hours. Perth is 8 hours ahead of Liverpool.
Sydney, Australia is generally 14 hours ahead of Hatboro, Pennsylvania. This difference may vary slightly due to daylight saving time changes in each location.
The time difference between London, UK and Adelaide, Australia is typically 9.5 hours. Adelaide is ahead of London.
What is the time difference between the UK and Australia
Johannesburg, South Africa is 1 hour ahead of Athens, Greece.
There are three different answers depending on the time of year.From 16:00 UTC on the day before the first Sunday of April until 16:00 UTC on the day before the first Sunday of October, Melbourne is seven hours ahead of Greece.From 01:00 UTC on the last Sunday of October until 01:00 UTC on the last Sunday of March, Melbourne is nine hours ahead of Greece.During the rest of the year, Melbourne is eight hours ahead of Greece.2 PM EET (in Greece Oct-Mar) =3 PM EEST (in Greece Mar-Oct) =10 PM AEST (in Melbourne Apr-Oct) =11 PM AEDT (in Melbourne Oct-Apr)
Hobart, Australia is in the same time zone as Melbourne, Australia. There is no time difference between Hobart and Melbourne.
Greece is two hours ahead of Scotland.
Greece is ahead of Nevada by ten hours.
There is no time difference between K.S.A. and Greece during the majority of the year, but when Europe is on Standard Time, from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March, K.S.A. is 1 hr. ahead of Greece.
The time difference between Newark, NJ and Athens, Greece is 7 hours. Athens is ahead of Newark by 7 hours.
Greece is always 2 hours ahead of Scotland.
The time difference between Bali and Australia depends upon which part of Australia you are referring to. The time difference between Melbourne and Bali is 2 hours, with Melbourne behind 2 hours ahead.
Two hours
1 hour. 3 PM in France = 4 PM in Greece.