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The H-shaped grey matter of the spinal cord contains motor neurons that control movement, smaller interneurons that handle communication within and between the segments of the spinal cord, and cells that receive sensory signals and then send information up to centers in the brain.

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14y ago
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16y ago

The spinal cord is composed of bundles of motor and sensory nerves which transmit signals between your body and brain.

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10y ago

The white matter of the central nervous center contains mostly glial cells and myelinated axons. They transfer signals up and down the spine.

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9y ago

The central canal of the spinal cord contain cerebrospinal fluid.

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13y ago

Each vertebra has a hole through it. These holes line up to form the spinal canal. A large bundle of nerves called the spinal cord runs through the spinal canal.

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12y ago

The central canal of the spinal cord contains cerebral spinal fluid (CSF).

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12y ago

myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers

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Motor fibers.

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What is the different between white matter and grey matter?

grey matter- the centre area of the spinal cord that contains cell bodies, their axons and their dendrites. white matter- the outer layer of the spinal cord that contains only myelin coated axons.

Where does the spinal cord have gray matter?

The grey matter on a spinal cord is on the spinal roots.

Area of spinal cord that contains nerve fibers surrounded by myelin sheath?

the part of the spinal cord that contains mylinated axons is the White matter portion.

In the spinal cord which is deep to the other the white or gray matter?

Gray matter is deep to white matter in the spinal cord. Gray matter contains cell bodies of neurons and is responsible for processing sensory information and initiating motor responses, while white matter contains nerve fibers that transmit signals between different parts of the nervous system.

What part of the spinal cord contains neurons?

Motor neurons are located in the gray matter of the brain, and their axons stretch out to the spinal cord through the ventral root. they are located in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord,

The gray matter of the spinal cord?

Is located within the spinal cord and contains unmyelinated fibers.

Are motor neuron cells bodies located in the gray or white matter of the spinal cord?

the white matter

What kind of matter do you have in your spinal cord?

grey and white. White matter of the spinal cord is composed of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers that allow communication between different parts of the spinal cord and between the cord and brain. Gray matter in the spinal cord looks like the letter H or a butterfly.

What is the difference between a horn and a column in the spinal cord?

A horn is the gray matter of the spinal cord, and a column consist of white matter.

What is the white matter of the spinal cord contain?


How are gray matter and white matter switch in brain and spinal cord?


Why is the white matter of the spinal cord white?

The white matter of the spinal cord appears white due to the myelin sheaths surrounding the axons of neurons. Myelin is a fatty substance that acts as an insulator, allowing for faster transmission of nerve impulses. The high lipid content of myelin gives the white matter its color.