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environmental carrying capacity

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Q: The size of a frog population in a pond remains fairly constant over a period of several years because of?
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Why is there a constant struggle for survival among organisms within a population?

Organisms within a population compete for limited resources like food, water, and space. The struggle for survival ensures that only the fittest individuals are able to reproduce and pass on their beneficial traits to the next generation, ultimately driving the process of natural selection.

What is the population of Galapagos?

The population of the Galapagos Islands is around 30,000 people. The population is spread across several islands, with the largest population residing on Santa Cruz Island. The islands are also home to a diverse range of wildlife and marine species.

Why has the penguin population decreased?

Several factors have contributed to the decrease in penguin population, including overfishing, climate change leading to habitat loss and food scarcity, oil spills, and human disturbance through tourism and fishing activities. These factors have disrupted penguins' natural environment and food sources, leading to a decline in their numbers.

What is the squirrel population in Texas?

The squirrel population in Texas is estimated to be in the millions, with several species found throughout the state including eastern fox squirrels, eastern gray squirrels, and southern flying squirrels. Squirrels are common in urban, suburban, and rural areas of Texas.

How many tigers left in the wild?

It is estimated that there are around 3,900 wild tigers left in the world, spread across several countries in Asia. Tigers are classified as endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these magnificent animals and increase their population.

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The reason that the temperature in an ice bath remains constant for several minutes after placing a beaker in a warm water bath, is that it takes water longer to heat. The cold water will not heat up right away because the energy hasn't transferred.

A recessive lethal gene exists in a population and remains for several generations Which woman could have passed the recessive lethal allele to offspring but not have the disease herself?

a woman who is heterozygous for the gene

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No, sodium isotopes have different numbers of neutrons. The number of neutrons can vary within isotopes of sodium while the number of protons remains constant.

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you have to have a sheet with several different interest rates because the rate is floating and not constant.

The ability to remain undaunted in spite of several failures?

he remains undaunted in spite of several failures

What the value of the universal constant?

There are several different universal constants: Avogadro's number, Gas constant, Gravitational constant. The question needs to be more specific.

Can the half life of a radioactive isotope decrease as the isotope decays?

No, the half-life of a radioactive isotope is a constant property of that particular isotope and does not change as it decays. The half-life is defined as the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay. Once set, the half-life remains constant regardless of how many atoms have decayed.

What is the other name of law of constant of proportion?

There are several names: on of which is Proust's law.

What qualities did Saint Rosalia have?

She stayed in a cave for several centuries where her body remains remain there.

Is it possible to change your rhesus factor?

"Rhesus factor" refers only to the presence or absence of the RhD antigen, symbolised by negative (absence) or positive (presence). Because it is caused by genetics, it cannot be changed by any artificial means, although it may change naturally - there are several documented cases of people changing bloodtype.

Why is there a constant struggle for survival among organisms within a population?

Organisms within a population compete for limited resources like food, water, and space. The struggle for survival ensures that only the fittest individuals are able to reproduce and pass on their beneficial traits to the next generation, ultimately driving the process of natural selection.

What can one measure with potentiometers?

A potentiometer measures the potential voltage in a circuit. There are several types of potentiometers including constant current, constant resistance, microvolt, and thermocouple.