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Q: The robust us economy made it difficult to restore balance in the federal budget?
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The robust U.S. economy made it difficult for the government to restore balance in the federal budget?

It is False!

Was The robust US economy made it difficult for the government to restore balance in the federal budget?


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The primary thing that caused federal spending in the United States to increase from 1928 through 1939 was a desire to get out of the Great Depression. Because many Americans had lost all their money, it was imperative that the government help restore the economy.

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They wanted to restore the balance of power in Europe and put the Monarchy back on the French Throne.

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The leaders of the Congress of Vienna were trying to restore the balance of power in Europe in a peaceful manner.

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What did the nation's of Europe want to restore at the congress of Vienna?

They wanted to restore the balance of power in Europe and put the Monarchy back on the French Throne.

What did the nations of Europe want to restore at the Congress of Vienna?

They wanted to restore the balance of power in Europe and put the Monarchy back on the French Throne.