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Between the end of the Civil War and 1900, the United States surpassed all other countries as the world's leading industrial nation. By any measure - number of workers employed in factories; production of raw materials such as coal, iron, and oil; or the development of new technology - the American achievement was impressive. With industrial progress, however, came changes in the nature of work and the beginning of organized labor, as well as the federal government's first serious steps to regulate big business. It was also the age of the great entrepreneurs. Whether hailed as captains of industry or condemned as robber barons, men like steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, financier J. Pierpont Morgan, and inventor Thomas A. Edison changed the very structure of the American economy.

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The rapid industrialization of the United States

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the opening up of vast tracks of previously inaccessible land to European colonization and trade.

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Q: The railroad building boom during the nineteenth century contributed to?
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