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This is related to mitosis. Once the chromosomes are fully condensed, the nuclear envelop is disolved in order to let the mitotic spindle is put in it's place to migrate the chromatids to the poles. Once the chromatids have already migrated, the cytokinesis process take place, dividing the cell into two daughter cells that eventually rebuild their nuclear envelop.

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During cell division, the nuclear membrane disappears in prophase and a new nuclear membrane forms around the separated daughter chromosomes during telophase.

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When does the nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear?

The nuclear membrane reforms during late telophase of mitosis or meiosis, while the nucleolus reappears during interphase.

In prophase do the nuclear membrane dissapears?

late Prophase

In what stage does the nuclear membrane disintegrate?

The nuclear membrane disintegrates during the prophase stage of mitosis. This allows the chromosomes to be released and moved towards the opposite poles of the cell.

The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope breaks down?

This process occurs during mitosis in eukaryotic cells. As the cell prepares to divide, the nucleolus, which is responsible for producing ribosomes, disappears. Additionally, the nuclear envelope breaks down to allow the chromosomes to separate into two daughter cells.

What happens to the nuclear membrane during telophase II?

During telophase II of meiosis, the nuclear membrane reforms around the separated daughter nuclei, enclosing them in their own distinct compartments. This process completes the formation of four genetically unique haploid daughter cells, each with its own nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane.

What happens during late prophase?

During late prophase, the nuclear envelope disintegrates, allowing the spindle fibers to fully capture and organize the chromosomes. The chromosomes become more condensed and visible as sister chromatids are tightly coiled. This stage prepares the cell for metaphase.

What happens to the nuclear material in late telophase?


What separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell?

The nuclear envelope, a double membrane structure, separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell. Pores in the nuclear envelope allow for the exchange of molecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

What phase is the early and a late stage of the the same phase of mitosis?

The early and late stages of the same phase of mitosis are called prophase. Prophase is the first stage of mitosis where the chromatin condenses into chromosomes and the nuclear membrane breaks down. The late stage of prophase is characterized by the alignment of chromosomes along the equator of the cell.

A synaptonemal complex disappears during?

The synaptonemal complex disappears during the diplotene stage of meiosis. This dissolution marks the end of the physical connection between homologous chromosomes, allowing them to separate and continue with the process of meiosis.

Why does nucleolus disappear during pro-phase of mitosis and what is the mechanism of dissapearence?

The nucleolus disappears during prophase of mitosis because it is the stage where the nuclear envelope breaks down, causing the nucleolus to disperse. This disappearance is due to the disassembly of the nucleolar components and the redistribution of its content throughout the cell.

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