The meaning of the word boulder is a very large stone or a rock. This word is known as a noun. That is the meaning of the word boulder.
It starts to erode the boulder.
This boulder is probarly a boulder you need the HM strenght for, which eenables a pokemon to move bulders.
Rocha is the portuguese word for boulder, people with this last name are refered to being "like a rock".
Mick foley
yes haha
Alt. of Boulder
That is the correct spelling of the term "boulder" meaning a large single rock. The sound-alike word is the adjective "bolder" (more bold).
Yes, the word 'boulder' is a noun; a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a large rock; a word for a thing.
There are 6 phonemes in the word "boulder": /b/ /oʊ/ /l/ /d/ /ə/ /r/.
大石 /oo* i shi/ is a Japanese word for 'boulder', it sometimes reads /tai se ki/ as well. 丸石 /ma ru i shi/ is another word meaning the same.*: In phonetic part oo= twice as long 'o' sound not'u'.
The city of Boulder is located in Colorado and is also a word to describe a large rock. Boulder is located 29 miles from Denver.
There are four towns by the name of Boulder in the US: Boulder, Colorado Boulder, Montana Boulder, Utah Boulder, Wyoming There are an additional three towns containing the word Boulder in the US: Boulder City, Nevada Boulder Creek, California Boulder Junction, Wisconsin
a boulder
Boulder translates to ογκόλιθος (onkolithos).
Toka is a word meaning boulder, rock or large stone. Kōwhatu means stone or rock and is a noun. Kāmaka also means stone or rock and is a noun.