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The Flying Eyeball No discussion of Von Dutch would be complete without touching on the subject of his famous Flying Eyeball logo. What's the story behind it? According to Von Dutch, the flying eyeball originated with the Macedonian and Egyptian cultures about 5000 years ago. It was a symbol meaning "the eye in the sky knows all and sees all", or something like that. Dutch got a hold of this symbol and modified it into the flyin'eyeball we know of today. He always believed in reincarnation, and the eyeball, somehow, was tied to that.There have been numerous "incarnations" of this design over the years. It still remains an icon of the '50s and '60s street rod crowd. Now ya know!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The meaning of an eye in a butterfly as a tattoo on a person has meaning to the person that only they could explain. Tattoos are personal art on an individual. Sometimes the meaning is not an obvious meaning to another person.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

if it is a full eye with a cross in it on the right arm, it is a symbol of a Vatican assassin or something to do with the Vatican very secret society even more secret than the masons.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

maybe, eye'm watching you :] just kidding, i really don't know. wish i could help : )

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Q: The meaning of a eyeball tattoo?
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Where can you get an eyeball tattoo?

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There are a number of things that an eyeball with wings tattoo mean. It could mean that someone is spiritually watching over them.

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How should I care for my eye immediately after getting an eyeball tattoo?

Eyeball tattoos are not done on the eye. Eyeball tattoos are representative of a "third eye" that is often done on the back ("watch your back") for protection or vigilance. The care of such a tattoo is no different than any other design. The tattoo artist will provide you with instructions for caring for a new tattoo.

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When you want to have third eye for that awesome Halloween costume, a temporary tattoo might be the best option. You can order your eyeball tattoo at and avoid the cost and pain of a real tattoo.

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When people get a tattoo, there is often meaning and remberance attached to the tattoo. The meaning of a pegasus tattoo is that of loyalty.

Can you couler on your eye ball?

Color your eyeball? No. But you can tattoo the whites of your eyes. Or Use contact linses to change the color.

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'Wand tattoo' is German and means wall tattoo.

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When the eyeball is not round, whether it be too long, or too short, it is called astigmatism.

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