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Q: The journalist's article,expected to be a harsh_______of the politician,actually portrayed her in a very positive light?
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How are women portrayed positively in the media?

It is important to notice when people are shown in a positive light. Women are positively portrayed when they are seen as strong, independent people, who can think on their own and manage their own lives.

How were blacks and minorities portrayed in television and moive's during the 1980s and 1990s?

Blacks and minorities were portrayed somewhat negatively in the 1980s and 1990s. Some shows were positive but most showed blacks as gangster and uncultured.

What was the name for writers and journalists who wanted reforms?

Reform-minded writers and journalists were known as muckrakers during the Progressive Era in the United States. They exposed social injustices, political corruption, and corporate misconduct through their investigative reporting, aiming to bring about positive change and reform in society.

What are the portable shortcoming in granting autonomy to journalists?

Granting autonomy to journalists may lead to a lack of oversight and accountability in their reporting, potentially leading to biased or inaccurate information being shared. Additionally, it could create conflicts of interest if journalists have personal or financial ties to the subjects they are reporting on. Finally, unchecked autonomy could jeopardize the credibility and reputation of the media organization as a whole.

What was the name of the Von trapp singing group in the sound of music?

The real Von Trapp children were named: Rupert (born in 1911) - portrayed as Friedrich in the movie Agathe (born in 1913) - portrayed as Liesl Maria (born in 1914) - portrayed as Louisa Werner (born in 1915) - portrayed as Kurt Hedwig (born in 1917) - portrayed as Brigitta Johanna (born in 1919) - portrayed as Marta Martina (born in 1921) - portrayed as Gretl

What can journalists do to mitigate climate change?

Journalists can raise awareness about environmental issues through accurate reporting, investigative journalism, and by highlighting the impact of climate change on communities and ecosystems. They can also hold governments and corporations accountable for their environmental policies and actions, sparking public debate and driving positive change. Additionally, journalists can promote sustainable practices and initiatives that contribute to mitigating climate change.

Why is it important that Gassire is portrayed as a great hero?

Gassire being portrayed as a great hero reinforces positive values, inspires others to aspire to greatness, and preserves his legacy for future generations. It adds depth to the cultural narrative and shapes the collective identity of the society that reveres him.

Is Ed Boone a hero in the book a curious incident of a dong in the night time?

In "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," Ed Boone is the father of the protagonist, Christopher. He is portrayed as a complex character with both positive and negative qualities, but he is not portrayed as a conventional hero in the story.

Tybalt is portrayed as a villain in the play and yet his death is not a positive event. why is Tybalt's death bad for romeo and Juliet?

because romeo killed Tybalt and therefore he is banished

What positive symptoms does john Nash experience in the film?

In the film "A Beautiful Mind," John Nash experiences positive symptoms of schizophrenia such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking. These symptoms are portrayed through his interactions with imaginary characters and his struggle to differentiate between reality and his hallucinations.

What is the 2010-2011 campus journalism Philippines theme?

The theme for the 2010-2011 campus journalism in the Philippines was "Campus Journalism: A Driving Force for Truth, Accountability, and Social Transformation." It emphasized the role of campus journalists in promoting transparency, responsibility, and positive change in society through their reporting and writing.

If journalists are meant to have a role in the function of democracy how are they accountable and who elects them?

Journalists help protect democracy by keeping the government honest by reporting on the actions of government and making governments actions open for all to see and read about. They are accountable though their reputations and readerships, and also through their editor and the hierarchy in whatever company they work for. It is true that they aren't elected, but not everyone in a democracy is elected, Judges aren't elected and that is viewed as a positive in democracy.