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By God and nature.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Yes, the idea that Earth is composed of layers was inferred from seismic data, which showed variations in the speed of seismic waves traveling through different parts of the planet. These variations in wave speed suggest differences in the composition and physical properties of Earth’s interior layers. This understanding has been further supported by studies of rock samples, volcanic activity, and gravitational data.

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Q: The idea that earth is composed of layers was inferred?
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What evidence do we have to prove that their are layers inside the earth?

We have evidence from seismic waves that travel through the Earth, revealing variations in density and composition that indicate different layers. Additionally, studies of meteorites and rocks from deep within the Earth's mantle provide further evidence of distinct layers within the planet. Magnetic field studies and observations of volcanic activity also support the idea of layered structures within the Earth.

When were the layers of the earth discovered?

It is hard to pinpoint a single event that would pass as the 'discovery' of the earth. Philolaus had some idea of the earth existing as a planet as early as 385 BCE. You could also say that the earth was discovered as soon as the first homo sapiens came to be.

The idea that the oldest rocks will always be the bottom layer of a series of rock layers is called the principle of?

The idea that the oldest rocks will always be the bottom layer of a series of rock layers is called the principle of superposition. This principle states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the youngest rocks are at the top and the oldest are at the bottom.

Why do scientists think earths core is made of iron?

Scientists think Earth's core is made of iron because iron is a dense material, and it is abundant in Earth's crust. Also, studies based on seismic waves and Earth's magnetic field support the idea that the core is composed mostly of iron.

Why is the earth's crust like an egg?

The comparison between Earth's crust and an egg refers to the idea that they both have layers. Earth's crust has different layers, like the crust, mantle, and core, similar to an egg's shell, white, and yolk. However, the analogy should not be taken too literally as there are significant differences in composition and structure between the two.

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don't have any idea ask your mom

What does inferred main idea means?

Inferred main idea refers to the central message or theme that a reader deduces or understands from the information presented in a text, even if it is not explicitly stated. It involves interpreting the underlying meaning or purpose of the text based on clues and evidence within the writing.

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I have no idea - Albert Einstein 2023

Is it true there is meat under the layers of mars?

Where did you get that idea from?!

What evidence do we have to prove that their are layers inside the earth?

We have evidence from seismic waves that travel through the Earth, revealing variations in density and composition that indicate different layers. Additionally, studies of meteorites and rocks from deep within the Earth's mantle provide further evidence of distinct layers within the planet. Magnetic field studies and observations of volcanic activity also support the idea of layered structures within the Earth.

What do the different layers do?

That would depend on what layers are there, what sbstance composeseach layer, where the layers are geographicaly. So many question, so little idea of what is required

How old is the idea that matter is composed of atoms?


How does the position of fossils in layers show evolutionary changes?

Fossils found in deeper rock layers are generally older than those found in shallower layers, reflecting the idea that organisms in deeper layers lived earlier in Earth's history. By examining the sequence of fossils in different layers, scientists can see how species have evolved over time, with simpler organisms in older layers and more complex ones in younger layers. This helps to reconstruct the history of life on Earth and understand how species have changed and diversified over millions of years.

What is the main idea of the theory?

all organisms are composed of cells

Why can we compare earth to an onion?

There are many different layers in the Earth like how there are many different layers in an onion. It's just like in Shrek. Onions have layers, as does Earth. Earth's layers from the outside to the inside are the... # crust # outer mantle # inner mantle # outer core # inner core (mostly iron)

How did scientists discover earth's interior was made of solids or liquids?

By observing the effects it had on seismic waves, and by testing samples of material from the mantle, they were able to come up with a good idea of how the planet's structure is composed.

What does the idea of superposition say about rock layers have not been disturbed?

It states that younger rocks lie above older rocks if the layers have not been disturbed.