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I think it was John Calvin????

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Q: The doctrine of elect was taught by who?
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The Puritans were fatalistic in that they believed in the doctrine of the elect (predestination).

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Puritans believed in the, "Doctrine of the elect", which meant that everyone's fate was already decided.

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Doctrine refers to a set of beliefs or principles taught or held by a particular group or organization. It can also refer to a specific body of teachings or instructions, especially in a religious or philosophical context.

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A doctrine is any principle of thought taught to others for belief and adherence to, especially in matters of religion, morality, politics, and economics.

Who set forth protestant Monroe Doctrine tha taught predestination?

bunhlio is almighty

What is the puritan doctrine of predestination?

The Puritan doctrine of predestination is the belief that God has already determined who will be saved and who will be damned, regardless of their actions or beliefs. This belief is based on the idea of God's sovereignty and the concept of the elect, who are chosen by God for salvation. Puritans saw themselves as part of this elect group and believed that living a godly life was a sign of being chosen by God.