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It was lit by candles and sun lights

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Q: The Globe Theatre was lit with what lights?
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Related questions

How were performances lit in the Globe Theatre?

They are very boring

Was plays always at night in the globe theatre?

Plays were not performed at night in the Globe Theatre (that is, the one Shakespeare owned shares in), because it was too large to be lit with artificial light, and being an open-air theatre, it would get cold at night, even in summer. Plays were generally performed at the Globe in the late afternoon.The Blackfriars, the other theatre which Shakespeare owned shares of, was an indoor theatre and was lit with candles. Plays could be, and were, performed in the evening.

What are the differences between the New Globe Theatre and the Old Globe Theatre?

Well the new globe has lights for night performances and a roof to avoid rain and other unfortunate weather...... I hope it helps XD

Is the globe theatre outdoors?

Yes, the new Globe Theatre, like its Elizabethan counterpart, is open to the weather and is lit by natural light. As with the original theatre, there is a roof over the stage and over the seating areas, but not over the "pit" where you can get standing room tickets.

Where could one find a picture of The Globe theatre?

The Globe Theatre is located in London. Google Images provides many pictures of the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare's Globe and the Globe Theatre website also provide pictures of the Globe Theatre.

What is The Globe and when was it built?

the globe theatre was shakespeares theatre

What did the globe theatre used to be called?

the Globe Theatre.

When was the globe theatre established?

the globe theatre was established in 1576

When did Globe Theatre end?

Globe Theatre ended in 1644.

Where was the Globe built to be exact?

the globe theatre was shakespeares theatre. It the old globe theater was originally built in shakespeare's theatre.

When was the globe theatre bult?

The globe theatre was first built in 1599 then it burnt down in 1613 then rebuilt the globe theatre in 1614

What time were play put on in the old Globe Theatre?

globe theatre