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The Eisenhower Doctrine allowed Middle Eastern countries being threatened by foreign aggression to seek military assistance from the United States. Eisenhower singled out Soviet aggression in the document and called for the territorial integrity and political independence of these nations.

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Q: The Eisenhower Doctrine supported
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Eisenhower Doctrine

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The Eisenhower Doctrine is actually not a document. It is a speech by President Dwight David Eisenhower. It was a "Special Message to Congress about the situation in the middle east during Eisenhower's President time.

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Eisenhower Doctrine

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The results of the Eisenhower Doctrine failed to provide alternatives to the independent Arab regimes from Nasser's political control. The doctrine was to help give aid in various forms to those that took a stance to Communism.

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The FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired rocket to freedom fighter in afganistan.

What was the US promise to support countries against communism?

Marshall Plan, Truman doctrine and I guess you could include the Eisenhower Doctrine as well.

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The following quote is from this article in Wikipedia:

In 1957 eisenhower used the arkansas National Guard to?

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Which president used economic and military power to stop communist from gaining control of middle east?

Eisenhower in 1957 with the Eisenhower Doctrine

What did the Eisenhower Doctrine have to do with the Cold War?

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