Protect the Greek city-states around the Aegean Sea from Persian rule.
it was the name of the alliance against the Persians purple pie
Delian League was the Athenian alliance, founded after the Persian Wars as a military organization directed against the Achaemenid Empire, but converted by Pericles into an Athenian empire. Because of this unity, it was very strong.
Sparta refused to join the Delian League because they refused to give tokens.
they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians
The Delian league and the peloponisian league
delian league
Delian League
Delian League
to protect the Greeks from the Persians
The Delian League
it was the name of the alliance against the Persians purple pie
Sparta led the Peloponnesian League, Athens led the Delian League.
Athens ruled the Delian League.
delian league
it was the name of the alliance against the Persians purple pie
The establishment of the Delian League allowed Athens to protect its sea borders and lessen the threat of becoming a target for the Persian Empire. This alliance caused Athens to become the dominant city-state in Greece.
Wars of the Delian League happened in -449.