Mastoiditis is the term referring to inflammation of the mastoid cells, which are air cells located behind the ear. This condition is commonly caused by a bacterial infection spreading from the middle ear. Symptoms can include ear pain, swelling behind the ear, fever, and drainage from the ear. Treatment typically involves antibiotics and sometimes surgical drainage.
The medical term for "pertaining to within a cell" is "intracellular."
middle ear. The mastoid air cells are directly connected to the middle ear, so any infection within the middle ear can easily spread to the mastoid process through these air cell connections.
The medical term for cell destruction is "cytolysis." It refers to the breaking open or rupture of a cell membrane, leading to the release of cell contents and ultimately cell death.
The term cytokenesis combines elements from the words "cyto," meaning cell, and "kinesis," meaning movement. Cytokenesis refers specifically to the stage of cell division where the cytoplasm divides into two daughter cells.
The medical term for tissue cell death in the skin is "necrosis." This can occur due to a variety of reasons such as lack of blood supply, infection, or injury. Necrosis can lead to the formation of a wound or ulcer on the skin.
The medical term for granular cells is "granulocytes." These cells are a type of white blood cell containing granules in their cytoplasm that help fight infection and inflammation.
The medical term is "band neutrophil" or "band cell." These are immature neutrophils that are released into the blood in response to an infection or inflammation.
The medical term for "pertaining to within a cell" is "intracellular."
There is no term for this.
Intracellular is the term for within a cell.
Langerhans cell
Cytopenia is the medical term meaning low numbers of blood cells.
The cell.
A phagocyte is a cell specializing in ingestion of materials.