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To tell your ex boyfriend you have to say were just friends and that i know i have moved on but we can still be friends but we moved on and i have a boyfriend now

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Q: Tell ex-boyfriend you have a new boyfriend?
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First ask your exboyfriend to tell you if he actually likes his current girlfriend If he says yes, tell him to keep dating her ( never know he might change his mind about her If he says no, then ask himwhy he's dating her and that he shouldn't pretend that he likes her Good luck

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just tell your new boyfriend that you still have feelings for your ex and tell your ex that you have a new boyfriend if they really care about you they will understand

Meanings of ex?

ex means not anymore, so exboyfriend, boyfriend not anymore... exgirlfriend, girlfriend not anymore.

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Just tell him gently....."listen, I have a boyfriend. Just saying"

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I'v been here before. If you love your boyfriend tell him but if you relize you love your exboyfriend then date him. also if you have thought about breaking up with your boyfriend then date your ex. if you love them the same stay with your boyfriend. if you thought your ex is a better boyfriend date him if you think your boyfriend now is better stay with him. in little words, who do you love?

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Just tell im, I have learned to just say whats on my mind.

Should a friend use her exboyfriend in an argument with another friend?

Unless the ex boyfriend was part of the problem then no, you should not involve your ex boyfriend while resolving your problems with your friend.

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Instead of looking for signs how about you be the bigger person and actually ask.

What should you do when your exboyfriend and boyfriend are friends but your ex has told you he still has feelings for you If you told your ex you don't have feelings for him should you tell your bf?

Quick answer...yes. Just put yourself in his shoes. If you and his exgirlfriend were best friends and she made advances on him, wouldn't you want to know?

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She probably did it to make the ex- boyfriend jealous.

What is something you can say to your exboyfriend to show him how much he means to you?

I think you should tell him how you feel. Tell him that you still like him and that he is the best thing that has every happen to you!:)

What should a girl do when she love truly her exboyfriend but he has a new girlfriend?

Get him drunk and suck him off!