Emotions can affect our physical health. A emotionally strong person would be healthy while weak one would not be healthy.
Three strong emotions are love, anger, and joy.
The effects of playing basketball or engaging in any physical activity has positive changes in physical and mental health. Physical activity has been proven to combat depression and keeps the human body healthy and strong.
There are various strong emotions in one's life. Love is one of the most strong emotions in life.
Strong emotion can be expressed through facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and choice of words. Yelling, crying, laughing, and passionate gestures are common ways to express strong feelings such as anger, happiness, sadness, or excitement. Additionally, physical reactions like shaking, sweating, or pacing can also convey strong emotions.
Well, when you are mad, you start shaking. If you want to know how to help, I would cuss, throw things that WONT break.
If its strong emotions then YES . .^
It highlights strong emotions and the experiences of individuals.
Emotions trigger the tear ducts through the autonomic nervous system, which controls the body's functions unconsciously. When a person experiences strong emotions such as sadness, stress, or joy, it can activate this system, leading to the production of tears. This response serves as a way to release and express those emotions.
Strong emotions or attitudes are usually shown using adjectives. For example, The girl is passionate about her studies.
strong emotions
Their strong emotions