You can't get Darth Malak's robes on kotor but you can get Revan's robes. You get them if you give 20 computer spikes to computer terminal on the last level.
Well for a start I don't even think Malak wears "robes" per say, more like a skin tight tunic. And no, after you kill him the game effectively ends, there are no remains on him. Sorry, but like the guy before me said, you can get Revan's robes?
First of all, you have to be 'evil' enough and Kreia (Who is actually Darth Sion's old master, Darth Traya) will talk to you about being a sith marauder or a sith assassain.
In the Star Forge (place before the final boss), there is a room down a dead end hallway, just enter kill a lot of sith patrols and you can make 3 pairs of robes.
the main sith lord in the old republic trailer is Darth Malgus
you can be jedi or sith
To become one, a person has to be a Sith Warrior class and then choosing their advanced class at level 10 which can be done on the Imperial Fleet. You can then choose Sith Marauder from there.
To become a Sith Assassin, a person has to create a Sith Inquisitor class and then work up to level 10 and choose their advanced class at the Imperial Fleet.
It's not muslim robes It's normal desert robes that The arab used to wear it in the old times, I know since i'm both of them.
If you mean how do you get into the Sith Enclave on Manaan then you have to go to the Republic Embassy and talk to Roland Wann, the leader. He will give you three options to choose from and all three will enable you to get into the Sith Enclave.
Best way is to get a sith armor from a dead sith guard, there are several places to get these. you just equip the armor and the guard will let you pass.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords - 2004 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:T
i think i know what your talking about ,but i can't explain ask youtube it'll show you p.s. i think you're talk about a game star wars knight of the old republic 1 x-box p.s.s. if so have Carth ware the sith armor and leave him in the hide out, then trade the sith armor to Gaden for sith papers
Republic:- Jedi Knight Jedi Consular Smuggler Republic Trooper Empire:- Sith Warrior Sith Inquisitor Bounty Hunter Imperial Agent