The White House
The duration of West Wing Week is 420.0 seconds.
The song C.J. (Allison Janney) Lip synced to was The Jackal by Ronny Jordan.
West Coast Wing was created in 1942.
The West Wing was created on 1999-09-22.
Red Wing - song - was created in 1907.
Shibboleth - The West Wing - was created on 2000-11-22.
Tomorrow - The West Wing - was created on 2006-05-14.
The Ticket - The West Wing - was created on 2005-09-25.
Han - The West Wing - was created on 2003-10-22.
Freedonia - The West Wing - was created on 2005-02-16.
Game On - The West Wing - was created on 2002-10-30.