symptoms of chlorine poisoning
There are no known side effects related to drinking tea for weight loss. Drinking tea is very beneficial for you.
There are still no know side effects to camel milk.
UTI and/or not drinking enough of water.
Well I've been getting a sore throat after drinking it. Every time. Wondering the same thing.
Dr. F. Banishoraka recons that Apple can not replace water. consumption of 1 apple per day can be good addition to your daily diet , however drinking enough water is the most essential part of any ones daily diet. Choosing what kind of water to drink could be difficult, best choice is purified drinking water( Ro Water), please do not confuse drinking water with mineral water, as drinking 8-10 glasses(amonunt that is needed ) of mineral water instead of drinking water could have many side effects and extremely harmful, specially for Children and preagnent women and elderly.
One of the side effects of high bp medicines is that they can make you dizzy. They can also give you a dry cough if you don't drink enough water.
Most decaffeinated beverages have traces of caffeine in it. If you are having side effects from a decaffeinated tea it could be from the tea or the trace amounts of caffeine depending on the side effects.
If it is just rust, probably not much. If concerned filter (through a paper towel/tea towel) and boil.
nthing happens my x gfs favourite hobby is drinking phynyle