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yeah! if it is bothering you that bad where you have to change your lifestyle to accomodate to it then hell yeah!

im a 20 yr old male in the U.S.M.C and had a L5 S1 fusion just recently and the injury happened while on duty. i had to change the way i got dressed every morning, the way i bent meaning i used to just bend over but when my severe injury occured i bent at the knees. took me longer to walk places made me depressed and which im still depressed going to a doctor for it now. Back pain changes you for EVER! reguardless of what anyone says who has never had back pain. i was always getting nagged on cause it took me forever to do certain things that i used to be able to do very fast. as soon as i started taking hydrocodone things picked up but yet again i hurt my self even more but it did help my pain ALOT. by all means take it if it helps!!!!!

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Q: Should you take Vicodin or Demerol for intense acute lower back pain?
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What is difference between Demerol and Vicodin?

The biggest difference is their potency - Demerol is a DEA Schedule 2 controlled substance, while Vicodin (Hydrocodone) is a Schedule 3 drug. Demerol (generic name Meperidine), being a Schedule 2 drug, is more tighty regulated - you cannot get refills, and each fill must be obtained with a new prescription each time. Also, many doctors don't like to prescribe Demerol because it's been associated with potential seizures. Personally I think it's that they're too chicken - I've used it for years with no problem. Vicodin, being a Schedule 3 drug, can have refills on one prescription and isn't as tightly regulated, and is more often prescribed for most acute pain patients. Pharmacologically, they're both morphine derivatives, though Demerol is a lot stronger. It's also more often given as an injectable or through an IV stream when a person is in the hospital.

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intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain or a state of acute pain.

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Is it possible that Demerol won't help you at all?

No one can predict which narcotic will satisfactorily control pain. Some people react badly to Demerol, but negative reactions are possible with any strong medications for pain. Demerol is best for acute pain, such as immediately after surgery. But there are many other narcotic and non-narcotic medications better suited to chronic pain.

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intense acute pain in the affected region and lack of mobility in that part

What are acute?

Diseases which r curable and having short period of intense r called acute diseases. Eg cold, strep throat, influenza.

What are acute disesaes?

Diseases which r curable and having short period of intense r called acute diseases. Eg cold, strep throat, influenza.

What is acute silicosis?

Acute. Acute silicosis develops within six months to two years of intense exposure to silica. The patient loses a great deal of weight and is constantly short of breath. These patients are at severe risk of TB.

Is taking a viking pill bad for you?

Not if you are a Viking. if you mean the Vicodin pill, no, as it is only a pain killer , however there are many side effects to taking the vicodin pill. the vicodin pill is used to manage pain, its usd to help severe acute pain, chronic or post opritive types of pain. it can also be used to treat severe coughs.

What does the prefix un and iacute mean?

The prefix "un-" typically means "not" or "opposite of," while "i-" is a prefix meaning "not" as well. "Acute" refers to something sharp or intense. Combining "un-" and "acute" would suggest something that is not acute, possibly blunt or dull.

What is acute versus long-term effects?

the acute effects of radiation are those effects that occur within 1 or 2 months after exposure to radiation.

What are alternative therapies for acute cholecystitis?

Conservative therapy, narcotic analgesics such as meperidine to relieve the intense pain associated with this condition.