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Q: Should you get back with the boy who break ed your heart?
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If a boy does not like you, you should not waste your time asking him out or trying to impress him. It will only end in disappointment and heart break.

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You should never date a boy that you do not know that well because it will always end in heart break.

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Yes if the boy is cute and very nice you should break up with the boy you're dating. If the boy you wanna break up with is mean and selfesh then yes you should break up with him but if

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Break up with your boyfriend because you obviously like this other boy better

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Leave him alone unless he approaches you. Don't want to break her heart do you?

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You should be as nice to the girlfriend as he is. If he's really into her respect it, but if he treats her poorly they should break up anyway.

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this will be hard fo you and mabye him but leave him

How can you make a boy your boyfriend?

You ask him out. Anyway you want it's up to you. Just make sure he likes you back becasue if you think he does and he doesn't, it may break your heart. Believe you me.

What if you hate a boy but he doesn't?

then you try and break it to him gently and if that doesn't work rip his heart out

What does it mean when a boy likes you but wants to break your heart?

Haha thats happend to me. You see when a boy likes they get nervous around you and the only opition they go to is to break your heart, pick on you ect. Another words ignore it GIRL! He is just tryin' to be cool

What should you do if your ex calls and wants to get back together but you have another boy friend?

Tell him flat out no. You're in a relationship, you are devoted to this boy and your ex is threatening to ruin it. It would be so cruel to break up with your boyfriend to get back together with your ex.

If you loved a boy so much and he broke your heart what do you do to break his heart?

Do you have to break his heart? You should just move on and prove you are above it. And to add to this wonderful answer, You shouldn't fight fire with fire. You'll just get burned. Don't return evil with evil,if he did something mean then he will reap what he sows. You don't have to break his heart. He'll learn. Your too good for him. You should instead return this hurt he caused with love. If you had ever loved him,I'm sure you could love him enough to let him go. <3