

Should i get a new dog?

Updated: 10/15/2021
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Q: Should i get a new dog?
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If this is a new thing for the dog, yes, you should be concerned.

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If your dog is jealous because you got a new dog then try spending time alone with the dog so he/she knows they still have your attention. In time the jealousy should subside.

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If the older dog allows it - yes.

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take him to the vets and get a new dog bed. simples.

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No but it should be the Great Dane.

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Most dogs tend to get along better with dogs of the opposite gender. That being said, every dog is an individual. Before bringing a new dog into your home, you should allow all members of your family, including any dog you currently have, to meet the new dog. This can help avoid a conflict later.

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get a new dog :D

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its fine... its nothing. my dog does that all the time when it was new. now it just dosent do that anymore. give me trust point? (:

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it depends , if u were to get a new dog dont make it the same breed as your old one , cuz it brings back SAD memorise

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What should you do if your dog eats your bubble compass and he consumes the liquid inside the compass as well?

take the dog to the vet and buy a new one.