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No he should let her touck the dick and he should lick the pussy

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Q: Should husband take bath If husband touch wife private parts?
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Is it right in Islam that husband and wife sucking their private parts?

Yes, it is allowed. A husband can touch his wife's private parts and she also can touch his private parts including holding his penis. Oral sex is allowed between husband and wife. However, both partners, wife and husband, should be satisfied and enjoying and feeling pleasure. Nothing in the sex relation between wife and husband could be done without acceptance and satisfaction of both partners. It is forbidden in Islam to make sex with wife through inserting the penis in her anus. Also, it is not allowed to perform intercourse during wife menstruation.

Why should a boy or a girl not allow other people to touch his or her genitals?

Because its their private parts! LOL

Can Muslims touch their private parts for oral pleasure?

No, Muslims can't touch their own private parts for oral pleasure per Islam religion. Self masturbation is not allowed. Oral sex is allowed only between wife and husband who are married per religion. see related questions listed below for more information.

Do they touch your private parts in a full body massage?


Why whether we are a boy or a girl should not allow any person to touch our genitals?

Because they're your 'private parts'. No-one should be allowed to touch you there unless for medical examination - and then only in the presence of a parent or guardian. The parts covered by your swimming costume are not for 'public' viewing !

When it was created the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution ensured rights for?

doctor touch your private parts

How can you touch the private parts of your lover?

play with their natural curly hair. lick on their butt.

If Hitler wasn't gay then why did he like male servants touch his private parts?

its because he was bisexual

What is normal for kids touching privates?

No. It is not normal for kids to touch their private parts. Parental guidance is required.

What should you do if your husband acts like he does not want to kiss or touch you?

Just confront him on it.

Why does my toddler touch his private parts and how can I address this behavior appropriately?

It is common for toddlers to touch their private parts as a way of exploring their bodies. This behavior is a normal part of their development and should not be a cause for concern. To address this behavior, it is important to remain calm and provide gentle guidance. You can teach your toddler about privacy and appropriate behavior in a simple and age-appropriate way. Encouraging them to use appropriate language for body parts and setting boundaries around when and where it is okay to touch themselves can help reinforce positive behavior. Remember to be patient and understanding as your toddler learns about their body and boundaries.

Why do people like to touch their private parts?

Because that is what enables people to become aroused so they will have sexual intercourse with eachother.