Invertebrates and vertebrates are the animals that eat tomato plants. Examples of invertebrates include aphids, blister beetles, cutworms, earwigs, flea beetles, horn-worms, Japanese beetles, leaf-footed bugs, leaf-hoppers, nematodes, potato beetles, slugs, snails, stink bugs, tomato fruit-worms, two-spotted spider mites, white-flies, and wire-worms. Vertebrates range from chipmunks to deer, mice, rabbits, raccoons, rats, squirrels, voles, and woodchucks.
Yes, they can. And its also very healthy for them, because they need vegetables just like us. Usually, they eat grass, weeds, or flowers to get vitamins, but when you keep them in a cage, its essential to feed them extra vegetables and sometimes fruits and they're crazy about fresh herbs!.
The only things you shouldn't feed them are unions, garlic, or citrus ftuits, like lemons or Oranges, they seem to find that hard to digest.
If you want to feed them broccoli, you should cook it first, because a raw broccoli is too hard for them. Lettuce, cucumber, tomatos and apples are perfect (think soft foods).
Also, make sure that they always have grains, witch is their basic food, because only feeding them vegetables wouldn't be good for them. And if you want them to lay lots of eggs, make sure they have plenty of space to dig for worms, worms provide them with proteine, its helps them make eggs.
So, the more the food varies, the healthier your chickens.
And ofcourse, protect them from diseases, like lice or worms, witch also prevents them from laying eggs. You can do that by taking them to a vet that has experience with chickens, but ask your vet first, because not all vets know about chickens!
No. Sheep are herbivores. They mostly eat grass.
Suffolk sheep eat what most sheep breeds eat. They eat pasture plants that are in their area. These consist of clovers, grass, and forbs.
Sheep frogs primarily eat insects such as beetles, flies, and ants. They may also consume small invertebrates like spiders and worms. Additionally, sheep frogs have been observed feeding on algae and aquatic plants in their environment.
Yes, sheep can eat blackberry bushes. Some poisonous plants for sheep are foxglove, holly, Jerusalem cherry, and the vinca vine.
The only snakes who would be large enough to eat a sheep would be the anaconda, the python, and the boa constrictor - and they would have to be large snakes to be able to swallow a whole sheep.
Yes, sheep can be fed all kinds of vegetable scraps. They love carrots, corn, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, etc.
I'm pretty sure they can eat tomatoes.
sheep don't eat meat
Worms, rotten tomatoes, rock soup, near by pack of sheep, canibalism, eventually they turned to eating their own toes and fingers
you ate the sheep
Eat!! Sheep love to eat!! :D
Grass. That's what sheep normally eat.
No. Sheep are herbivores. They mostly eat grass.
Suffolk sheep eat what most sheep breeds eat. They eat pasture plants that are in their area. These consist of clovers, grass, and forbs.
Sheep do not eat llamas. Sheep are herbivores, that means they do not eat meat. But if you're looking for a funny answer, the sheep ate the llama because it really wa
Black sheep eat the same amount of grass as white sheep.