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Yes, it is recommended to trim a bearded dragon's nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or injury to the dragon.

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Q: Should you cut a bearded dragon's nails?
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Are you supposed to cut bearded dragons' nails?

Yes, it is recommended to trim a bearded dragon's nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or injury to the dragon.

Should I cut my bearded dragon's nails?

Yes, it is recommended to trim your bearded dragon's nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or injury to your pet.

Do I need to cut my bearded dragon's nails?

Yes, it is recommended to regularly trim your bearded dragon's nails to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or potential injury to your pet.

Should you have cut nails for horseback riding?

Nope, you don't have to cut your nails to ride horses.

How do you cut our nails?

By the nail cut. It should cut nails, and remove dirt from them. It also needed to be in its own place, to not lose it.

Can bearded dragons eat spinach?

Yes, you can, and they should love it. I have a bearded dragon, and I feed it to him every morning. Make sure to cut it up into little pieces if you have a baby. If you have an adult, he can handle it by himself.

Can you feed your bearded dragon baby food?

they eat bugsbut they might try it. my science teacher had bearded dragons and he feed them lettuce but they did not allways go for it. I have a leopard gecko and he some times eats it just cut it up first

What vegetables do leopard geckos eat I know that they have to be cut up into tiny pieces.?

leoperd geckos dont eat vegtables your thinking of bearded dragons

How do you cut a bearded dragons nails?

i have a bearded dragon who is 6 and i occasionaly file his nails with a nail file so he doesnt scratch people when we hold him it is not required as long as you keep rough items in their tanks for them to wear their claws down on. I would not clip or cut their nails just file i tried to cut his nails once and stopped after one nail because it shatterd. my beardie just sat their when if filed his nails like he was in a pedicure. good luck hope thaat helps.

Can bearded dragons eat strawberries?

Yes Beardies can eat strawberries. Just cut them small and make sure you dont feed them to the lizard to often.

How do you know when you should cut your guinea pig's nails?

You should cut your guinea pig's nails when you notice them getting too long or curling. Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and potential injury to your guinea pig. Regular nail checks and trims are recommended to keep their nails at a healthy length.

How long does it take for a dogs nails to grow?

Well, they should always be short for safety reason. But if you should let them grow, cut them after they before they become sharp enough to cut. (and for the safety of your pet you should file its nails)