The role of a database, in any application, is to provide data storage.
Competitive quotes for accounting database software packages can be found at Journal of Accountancy, Red Wing Software, Accounting Web and Software Advice.
Managerial accounting play a vital role in managers life,Life is veyi easy due to managerial accounting
database is a collection of different files
Role of cost accounting in managerial decision making?"
accounting is basic math so you kind of need it to do accounting
accounting use database to organize data and
Finding a very good school of accounting online can be hard. has a large database of good accredited online accounting schools.
Accounting is all math. Money is numbers.
Statistics play a very vital role in accounting. They help in the interpretation of data which is crucial for making proper accounting decisions.
A database administrator oversees all aspects of the database. He/she will be the person who has the ability to make anything happen with the management of the database.
you did the mathh wrong and must re-do it
this question is for better accounting system0si