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3mo ago

The term for solid body wastes expelled through the rectum is feces or stool.

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8y ago

What we call solid waste or BM.

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Heidy Recarte

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The removal of waste from the anus is

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Q: What is The term for the solid body wastes that are expelled through the rectum?
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What body system removes solid wastes from the body?

The digestive system removes solid wastes from the body through the process of defecation. The waste materials are formed in the large intestine and then eliminated from the body through the rectum and anus.

What is the job of the rectum?

The rectum's main function is to temporarily store feces until they are ready to be eliminated from the body through the process of defecation. It also helps in the absorption of water and some minerals from the waste material before it is expelled.

How does solid waste or feces leave the body?

Solid waste or feces leave the body through the rectum and anus during the process of defecation. The waste travels through the large intestine, where water is absorbed and the remaining waste is formed into solid feces. When the rectum is full and signals are sent to the brain, the muscles in the rectum and anus relax to allow the feces to be expelled from the body.

What is brown and comes from the buttocks?

The brown substance or solid objects is called as many people call it feces. This is broken down food from the stomach and is released from the body. That something happens with a liquid called urine. This is water or liquid that comes out when you don't have enough water.

Excess and waste in humans are removed by processes in the?

Excess and waste in humans are removed by processes in the urinary system, including the kidneys filtering waste from the blood to form urine, which is then expelled from the body through the urethra. The digestive system also plays a role in removing waste through the excretion of solid waste products via the anus.

Related questions

What is called for the solid body wastes that nare expelled through the rectum?

faeces.feces-(FEE-seez), also known as stools, are solid body wastes expelled through the rectum and anus.defecation-(def-eh-KAY-shun), also known as a bowel movement, is the evacuation or emptying of the large intestine.

Where are solid wastes stored before elimination?

Solid wastes are typically stored in the large intestine, specifically in the rectum, before being eliminated from the body through the process of defecation. The rectum acts as a temporary holding area for feces until they are ready to be expelled from the body.

What part of the body eliminates solid wastes?

The digestive system eliminates solid wastes through the large intestine and rectum. Waste material, in the form of feces, is stored in the rectum before being expelled through the anus during defecation.

What excretory structure which helps to eliminate solid wastes?

The excretory structure that helps to eliminate solid wastes is the large intestine, specifically the rectum and anus. Solid waste, also known as feces, is stored in the rectum until it is expelled through the anus during a bowel movement.

Is feces as solid body waste expelled through the rectum and anus?

Feces are made in the colon/large intestine, then pass through the rectum and then the anus.

What opening at the end of the digestive tract in which solid wastes are eliminates.?

it is the rectum;)

What is the storage tube for solid wastes?

The rectum, which is the bottom of the large intestine.

What body system removes solid wastes from the body?

The digestive system removes solid wastes from the body through the process of defecation. The waste materials are formed in the large intestine and then eliminated from the body through the rectum and anus.

What happen in rectum in digestion?

The rectum is responsible for controlling the release of solid wastes from the body. This mostly occurs in the excretory system.

Which organ system does the esophagus large intestine and rectum belong?

The esophagus, large intestine, and rectum are in the digestive system.

What is solid waste from the large intestine called?

Decomposed waste material in the large intestine is known as feces. These are stored in the rectum until they are expelled through the anus.

What does the cecum in a squid do?

A cecum is a primitive rectum, where both solid and liquid waste collect before being expelled from the animal's body.