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x-linked recessive chromosome.

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Rhett Strosin

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Q: Red-green color blindness and hemophilia are two human genetic disorders that are caused by a?
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Name a sex-linked genetic disorder?

Many different disorders are sex-linked. Saying something is sex-linked indicates that the gene causing the disorder can be found on one of the sex chromosomes, certain muscle disorders for example are sex-linked

Which is the most common sex linked genetic disorder?

Red-Green color blindness, or hemophilia.

Red green color blindness and hemophilia are two human genetic disorders that are caused by?

Red-green color blindness is caused by a mutation in the genes that code for red and green cone cells in the eyes, affecting color vision. Hemophilia is caused by mutations in genes that code for proteins involved in the blood clotting process, leading to difficulty in clotting. Both disorders are inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern.

Red-green colorblindness and hemophilia are two human genetic disorders that are caused by?

X-Linked Inheritance

What are some diseases or disorders that are genetic?

albinism. huntington's disease. color blindness. down's syndrome.

What is a genetic disorder caused by gene?

There are so many genetic disorder caused by sex linked to name few; Auto Immune disorder, Hemophilia, Night Blindness etc.

Can a genetic disease affect anybody?

Exceptions are always there e.g hemophilia and many bleeding disorders don't affect females.

What is a genetic disorder caused by sex linked gene?

There are so many genetic disorder caused by sex linked to name few; Auto Immune disorder, Hemophilia, Night Blindness etc.

What are some genetic disorders that only run in a certain gender?

Color blindness happens only to the male gender.

Is hemophilia a genetic disorder in which an abnormal form of hemoglobin is produced?

Hemophilia is not related to hemoglobin. It is a genetic disorder that affects the blood's ability to clot due to a deficiency in clotting factors. Hemoglobinopathies, on the other hand, are disorders related to the structure and production of hemoglobin.

What is a sex-linked disorder and give one example?

Genetic disorders that are linked to either the X or the Y chromosomes. Red-green colorblindness and hemophilia are both sex-linked disorders.

Red-green color blindness and hemophilia are two human genetic disoders that are caused by?

these are both sex-linked. they are usually passed down from a carrier mother to a son.